Tuesday 28 January 2014

Cover sneak peek - The Professor's Pet

The Professor's Pet is in the capable hands of my editor, so I thought it was cover peek time. Two stories here...


Me: Do you think she's hot, this girl on the cover?
My boyfriend: Do I look like an idiot?

(I wasn't even asking to get him in trouble; I just wanted to know what he thought of the cover.)


I told a writing friend I write about my fantasies, and she replied. "Hmm. Writers, doctors, now professors, what comes next?"

Indeed. I've been hearing the mutterings about the Doctor Dom series, so volume 3 is definitely next. I swear. Really. I'm not going to get distracted.

And finally...

I guess I should write a blurb for this, and I will, but as always, it is about a consensual BDSM relationship between a professor and a former student. It's also my longest book to date, I think; it's 46,000 words. And I've already exchanged emails with my editor who thinks one scene is too short. Fingers crossed that he doesn't make me rewrite.

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